Baby #2 - Week 14

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Baby #2 - Week 14

I have been putting this off for weeks, because I have been too afraid of jinxing things and starting my weekly updates again.


Well, I did a few with my second pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage & then had to stop abruptly. And, truth be told, I actually started around Week 8 of this pregnancy too, but was halfway through the post when I had one of my big bleeding episodes - true story. I decided I was tempting fate too much to go ahead, but after our good genetic report, I'm going to be brave & get going again.

So.... where were we?

How far along: 14 weeks + 3 days!

How big is baby? Growing, growing. Mmmmm.... cupcakes.
Image credit here

Sleep: Sleep is my friend. I love sleep. I cannot get enough of sleep.'

Symptoms: Lots of aches and pains this week. Ligament pain, lightning crotch, sore back.

Best moment of this week: The phone call this past week, finding out that the baby was low-risk from the NIPT results.

Miss anything: Long, ultra hot, Lush-filled bath soaks.

Movement: Nope.

Food cravings: I really, really want Subway. A boring old chicken fillet sandwich w/ spicy sauce.

Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of eggs.

Gender: GIRL!!!! Can't believe this one just yet. Will have to keep on checking at every opportunity over the coming months, because until I see no bits for sure, it all just feels too surreal.

How's your mood? This week, I am feeling on top of the world. I've been so preoccupied and stressed out and terrified, and while I still am scared, some of my worries have been taken away. I'm so proud of this little fighter baby.

Looking forward to: Feeling the baby in there - even though I know it's still a long way off.

The Bump: Well, I started this pregnancy at almost the same weight I was pre-Georgia, but I'm a LOT different shape-wise now. I suppose being pregnant 5 times will do that to you, even though I only birthed one of those babies! I'm currently carrying a lot of my weight in my stomach area, so I haven't really been able to decipher baby from belly.. until this morning! I think there may be a bump developing under there. :)


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